
A 10-man Raiding Guild on Saurfang

Bite Fight Night

1:05 AM by , under ,

Congratulations to everyone on our first Blood-Queen Lana'thel kill!  We picked up the mechanics really quickly and took her down in a few attempts.  Great work!

That puts us at 10/12 in ICC, with only Sindragosa between us and the Lich King.

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Ainokea - 1 : Vampires - 0

12:53 AM by , under ,

Congratulations to everyone on the first Blood Council kill!  We marched right up to them (including taking out Putricide) the night before and overcame a few messy wipes to take them down at the end of the night.  Great work by all!

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Congratulations to everyone on our first Professor Putricide kill!  We suffered some unsuccessful wipes last week but we succeeded this week and it was his face on the floor, not ours.  (I won't lie, it felt good.  >=D)  And congratulations on our first Dreamwalker rescue!  It seemed easy with Tutet healing her for ~4.7 million health.  Great night everyone!

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8:59 AM by , under ,


Congratulations to everyone on the first Rotface kill!  It was a very impressive night, we one-shotted every boss including Rotface.

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