
A 10-man Raiding Guild on Saurfang

Congratulations to everyone on our first Heroic Gunship Battle last night!

I know it's definitely not the hardest Heroic mode but we did it and that should be acknowledged.  I don't have a screenshot of it so here's another one from last week's Lich King kill featuring a few of us, Tirion, and cake.

On a related note our forums have been updated with a strategy thread for the Heroic modes.  It can be found at Icecrown Citadel: Heroic in the Raid Encounters: Strategies & Videos forum.

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The Kingslayers

2:06 AM by , under ,

Congratulations to everyone on our first Lich King kill!

The night didn't really start out promising. Bryce was sick and couldn't make it. Dan's availability as a substitute was unknown. Mend had to leave earlier than usual. And we found out the night before that Dave may not be able to raid with us anymore...  =(

But after a few attempts, in a culmination of our 10 raids together, we smacked Arthas into the floor! So congratulations to everyone! Kingslayers.

Thanks a lot to everyone for working through the wipes.
Special thanks to Dan for subbing at the last minute. We'll have to go back with Bryce.

And I'm so glad we could get the kill with Dave! We'll always be here, come back whenevers.  ^_^

Kingslayers bitches!

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