
A 10-man Raiding Guild on Saurfang

Congratulations to everyone on our first Majordomo Staghelm kill!  Thanks to Jam for buying a new mic so the new strategy could easily be shared with us.  This does mean we're 6/7 in Firelands.  That's progression!  This kill shot and all the others are on the progression thread on the forums.  Videos coming soon while we filter through the stuff we actually remembered to Fraps.

To get ready for more attempts at Ragnaros next week, please check the updated Firelands thread in the Raid Encounters forum.

And the guild reached level 25.  Good job all!

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I know I've fallen behind in posting our news.  >_<  I hope you accept this kill shot mosaic and my apologies.  ^_^;;

With our recent kills over the last few weeks, we're solidly more than halfway through Firelands.  Big congratulations for each new kill, especially the Alysrazor kill last week.  It was beautiful, everything just clicked; everyone survived the tornado tango and our first kill was nice and clean.  Great job everyone!  The individual kill shots for each boss are up in the Cataclysm Progression Thread on the forums if you'd like to see them.

We'll be starting work on Majordomo Staghelm this week so don't forget to read up on the strategy in the Firelands thread on the forums.  And we've brought back and adjusted the raid rotation so please check the new schedule on the forums, especially the schedule for August.

Keep it up guys!

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