
A 10-man Raiding Guild on Saurfang

Starting to Come Together

8:33 AM by , under ,


After a few server transfers (welcome back guys!) and a few new recruits, our numbers have started to grow a little.  We threw together a few quick raids last night, with the most guild members we'd had so far.  We finished the weekly raid quest, one-shotted Toravon (a first for some of us), and took down Onyxia.  A pretty productive night!

Just a reminder we have our first scheduled raid nights this week Feb 11 and 12, 6PM - 9PM ST (Feb 10 and 11, 9PM - 12AM for those of us on Hawaii time).  We will be going to Icecrown Citadel so please take the time to learn about the encounters.  Videos and links to more information can be found on forums in the Icecrown Citadel thread in the Raid Encounters forum.

We are still recruiting, although not as heavily.  We are mainly looking for DPS both ranged and melee.  We've attracted a few great healers already, so lucky!  If you'd like to apply please check out the Join Ainokea page to learn more about us and then put in your application on our forums.  Or if you have any questions, feel free to contact myself (Tustle) or any other officer in game.

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