
A 10-man Raiding Guild on Saurfang

Whoa!  So I've fallen a little behind in reporting our news but I'm fixing that now!

Congratulations to everyone on our hard mode progression!  We are now 9/12 for ICC Hard Modes after downing Festergut, Rotface, Lord Marrowgar, Deathbringer Saurfang, Blood Prince Council, and Blood-Queen Lana'thel.  We've had two very productive weeks!  As usual all of our screenshots can be found in the Progression Thread: Icecrown Citadel thread on the forums.

For fun Cody's been recording our hard mode encounters.  You can find all of the finished videos in the Ainokea Raid Videos thread on the forums and on his YouTube channel. If you'd like a quick taste I've embedded the playlist of all the videos below. Be sure to crank up the quality to the full 1080p!

I'd like to thank everyone for their great work lately!  It does feel good to be challenged and progressing again and that's a direct result of everyone showing up prepared with a great attitude.  Thanks also to Dan and Scura for being willing to jump in when we need a substitute, it's a big help.  =D  Thanks for encouraging me when I led the raid last week and of course for my shiny, new shield.  Till next week all!  <3

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